Kevin Gervais

Marketer and Entrepreneur in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Kevin Gervais

Marketer and Entrepreneur in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Marketing has been in my family since 1932 - starting with my grandfather Bruce who was a sign-painter and ad man.

Built my first app at age 5 and my first website for a client at age 7. Since then, served as a consultant, creative director and founder of 4 companies, 3 of them being agencies.

Over the years, I helped launch products and brands for 70 startups and 150 established companies spanning wellness, retail, construction, b2b, e-commerce and Fortune 1000 clients.

From 2012-2018 I served as founder and CEO at Statflo to enable compliant one-to-one relationships between retailers and customers. Since 2015, we scaled the team from 2 to 40+, surpassed $5M ARR, raised $21M, hired a CEO in Jan 2019 and oversaw back-to-back years of 100% ARR growth.

I'm consistently curious and operate as if everything I knew is obsolete today.

Outside of my day job(s), you'll find me speaking on topics such as packaging, branding, mental health issues for startup founders, dealing with ADHD, and compliant messaging.

  • Work
    • Statflo (and other ventures)
  • Education
    • University of Windsor